One New Man United in Christ
(Eph. 2:13-16)

As you dig into the Jewish roots of your faith and begin
to discover the blessings released when Jew and
Gentile (One New Man) come together in Christ, you
will also find you are hungry for more of God’s Word
and covenant understanding, and want greater
revelation from the Spirit.
One New Man Network is where you can satisfy your
hunger for deeper teaching and understanding. It is
designed to be a place of education and community.
Here you will find educational resources, courses, and
teachings, along with a community forum to help you
get the most from each online course and connect with
fellow Believers.

We are committed to helping you grow in your
covenant knowledge and understanding, so you can
claim God’s promises written in His Word.
Sign up and start a course today from one of our
Spirit-led instructors.
We believe every born-again Believer deserves to know
how to take what is written about them in Heaven and
make it manifest on earth.
Let’s get started!

Rabbi Curt Landry
A Jewish Believer with more than 30 years of experience working with Israel, releasing prophetic words, and teaching the Jewish roots of the faith. Rabbi Landry’s ministry brings to light the prophetic aspect of God’s Word. He has a heart to empower others with the revelation and truth of God’s Word to enable them to know their identity and walk out their God-given purpose.

Megann Marcellino
As Rabbi Curt and Christie Landry’s daughter, COO of Curt Landry Ministries, mom of three and loving wife, Megann has worked with the ministry since its inception. She brings a unique perspective to Jewish roots teaching. Her heart to see the next generation grow in their relationship with the Father and embrace their identity in Him inspires any parent to teach their children the Jewish roots of the faith and encourages them to embrace a One New Man culture in their home.

Christie Landry
Rabbi Curt Landry’s wife who has worked side-by-side with her husband in full-time ministry since 1996. Christie’s heart for Israel, passion for God’s Word, and gentle heart encourages every woman to claim her identity in Yeshua. Her unique life experience as a mother of many, through House of David, brings great wisdom and experience to searching hearts. She is known for her love, worship, and her heart for intercession.

Pastor Tim Alsbaugh
A First Nations Believer who has studied and taught on the Jewish roots of the faith and eschatology for more than 35 years; he and his wife Sandy have worked with the ministry since its inception and with the Landry family long before. Pastor Tim’s teaching helps you understand God’s Word so you can apply it for daily victory. His life experience, revelation, perspective and lifetime history as an Oklahoma farmer provides a most rich and unique platform.

Patty Merritt
As an intercessory prayer pastor, Patty has discovered the keys to overcoming doubt and unbelief. For years, she doubted God’s Word and promises, not understanding His covenant love. However, through much study, prayer, and meditation, Patty has come to know God’s covenant blessings and how they can be released to all who call on Jesus. She’s passionate about teaching you what took her years to understand.

Toni Hill
As one of our intercessory prayer pastors, Toni understands how to operate and pray in the Courts of Heaven. She is passionate about teaching the freedom found in the blood of Yeshua and taking people into God’s courtroom so deliverance, healing, and wholeness can manifest in their lives.

Kristal Reeves
Kristal’s passion for and experience in teaching, paired with her personal testimony of following One New Man biblical instruction, has anchored her heart to clearly explain how to tap into the power God wants to release in us. She and her family stand in a place of true, undeniable restoration. She wants to see others experience the same financial, emotional, physical, and spiritual breakthroughs she has.